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Development trend and market analysis of thermal conductive materials


Thermal conductive material is mainly composed of polymer material and thermal conductive filler, generally used for IC encapsulation and electronic heat dissipation, used to fill the gap between the two kinds of materials to engage or contact, reduce the thermal resistance.

2015 heat conductive material market, the global scale of about $5 billion. China thermal conductivity material market by the investigation occupies 20% of the global market share, about 1 billion yuan market size. By trend thermal interface materials market forecast to 2020 market size of thermal interface materials is expected to grow by 11% in 2015 and the annual compound growth rate of 2020 years, is expected to 2020 market size will increase to $9 billion 600 million.

Development trend of thermal conductive materials, thermal conductive materials market analysis

Thermal conductive materials technology special segments. In this market segment, the United States and European companies in the international and domestic high-end market in a monopoly position. Early because of China's local enterprises lack of core technology, the main production base of high-end thermal materials still need foreign manufacturers to provide products, there is a gap between the performance index and the development and accumulation of European and American enterprises.

The industry upstream industry mainly for catalyst, heat conductive filler etc..

The industry is widely used in many fields, such as intelligent consumer electronics, communication equipment, automotive electronics, new energy, high-end equipment manufacturing, medical equipment and other fields have a wide range of applications.

Development trend of thermal conductive materials, thermal conductive materials market analysis

1, intelligent consumer electronics: the growth of early consumer electronics is mainly from the traditional TV, notebook computers and other products. With the updating of the concept of personal consumer electronics, the traditional consumer electronic products have entered a relatively stable stage of development, and smart phones and tablet PCs and so on has become a new growth engine of the entire consumer electronics market. Because this kind of electronic product has the characteristic which the structure is close, highly integrated, this also makes the heat radiation to become a serious problem.

2, communication equipment: the rapid development of the information industry to promote the development and application of a large number of communications equipment, the complexity is also getting higher and higher. At the same time, due to the increasing power of communication equipment, the heat is rapidly rising. Therefore, it is widely used to improve the reliability of communication equipment, including thermal conductive materials, EMI shielding materials, and so on.

3, automotive electronics: with the development of pure electric vehicles, power electronic devices are widely used in the products of pure electric vehicles, energy conversion power makes the power devices are widely used, accompanied by the rapid development of mobile Internet, cooling technology of automobile electronic products will be more and more attention.

4, medical equipment: with the development of diagnostic and surgical medical equipment, thermal conductivity material in the future will play a more important role. Because the thermal interface materials in the medical industry to achieve high speed, small size, high stability and other requirements.